The FAWC Fellows

Each year, PAAM welcomes the Visual Arts Fellows from the neighboring Fine Arts Work Center to exhibit their work here.

The Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown is a nonprofit organization dedicated to encouraging the growth and development of emerging visual artists and writers and to restoring the year-round vitality of the historic art colony of Provincetown. The Work Center is internationally known for its acclaimed 7-month residency program granting fellowships to 20 emerging writers and artists, as well as its open enrollment Summer Workshop Program, an online writing program, 24PearlStreet, and an extensive series of year-round cultural events and exhibitions.

The Fine Arts Work Center offers a unique residency for writers and visual artists in the crucial early stages of their careers by providing seven-month Fellowships to twenty Fellows each year in the form of living/work space and a modest monthly stipend. Residencies run from October 1–April 30. Fellows have the opportunity to pursue their work independently in a diverse and supportive community of peers.

Fellows are expected to live and work in Provincetown during the fellowship year. Optional group activities provide Fellows with the opportunity to meet program committee members as well as visiting artists and writers. Visiting artists and writers engage in dialogue with the Fellows throughout the year. The Fine Arts Work Center also seeks to identify local and national venues for Fellows and former Fellows to share their work. Each winter, the visual fellows are invited to showcase their current work in an exhibition at PAAM.

This exhibition includes sculpture, assemblage, paintings, prints, film and multi-media. Featuring a stylistic mix of figurative, abstract and conceptual works of art, the artists explore a number of topics including the limits between spirituality and fantasy; the intersection of materiality and memory; issues of place and representation, more specifically how the two inform one another; as well as the complex layers of liberation and representation within the American landscape.

PAAM is grateful to Sharon Polli, Executive Director, and Sarah Dineen, Fellowship Visual Coordinator, for their assistance with this exhibition and ensuring the ongoing partnership between PAAM and FAWC.