Now Hiring: Education and Engagement Internship

For nearly two decades, the Provincetown Art Association and Museum has opened its doors to aspiring future museum professionals and educators to serve as a hands-on learning environment for focused professional growth.

Through its comprehensive Museum Internship Program, PAAM offers a diverse range of opportunities in the areas of education, collection management, and exhibition development.

Support provided by the Dave Roberts Internship Fund and Art Bridges.

As a PAAM Education and Engagement Intern, you will split your time between our Education and Exhibition Departments as well as work at the intersection of the two, depending on department needs and your strengths and interests. Interns will work alongside both exhibition/collection staff and education staff, receiving practical training in multiple museum departments. You will have opportunities for hands-on work with the collection, as well as gain experience in studio classroom, gallery, and office settings.

Core responsibilities in Education will include: working with Teaching Artists in a studio classroom setting; assisting with Youth Education classes; assisting with administrative tasks for Adult Education workshops and assisting with the set-up, breakdown, and maintenance of our classroom studios.

Core responsibilities in Exhibitions will include: assisting with physical installation of exhibitions including hanging and labeling artwork; pulling and putting away artwork for exhibitions and workshops; and creating checklists and labels for exhibitions.

In addition to your core responsibilities, you will also be responsible for the development of a longer term creative project that will be used in PAAM exhibition programming. The project, titled The Artist’s Eye: A Self-Guided Tour of the Provincetown Art Community, is a self-guided tour of Provincetown highlighting artwork from PAAM’s permanent collection. Working on this project will provide you with creative opportunities for research using PAAM’s collection and archives, exploration of Provincetown history and geography, and the development of project management skills.

The summer internship program runs for 10 weeks, with a preferred term running from June 23 through August 29, during weekday office hours, with a weekly average commitment of 20 hours.

Upon completion of this internship, you will have gained:

  • A comprehensive understanding of the day-to-day workings of an active exhibitions and education department at an AAM-accredited art museum
  • Greater insight and experience into non-profit arts administration
  • Practical experience in setting up museum-quality exhibitions
  • Hands-on opportunities to explore a century-old historic art collection
  • Experience interacting with and supporting professional curators and exhibiting artists
  • Experience in a studio classroom setting, including:
  • Working with students of all ages (both youth and adult)
  • Exposure to Teaching Artists with a wide range of styles and methodologies
  • Exposure to various studio processes and demonstrations
  • Resume-ready final project


  • An interest in art, art education, exhibitions, and/or museum visitor experience
  • Creativity and self-motivation
  • Excellent and proactive communication skills
  • Ability to take direction and ask clarifying questions when necessary
  • Proficiency with Google Suite and Microsoft Office
  • An interest in art, art education, exhibitions, and/or museum visitor experience
  • Creativity and self-motivation
  • Excellent and proactive communication skills
  • Ability to take direction and ask clarifying questions when necessary
  • Proficiency with Google Suite and Microsoft Office

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Knowledge of Adobe Suite
  • Previous work or internship experience
  • Experience or interest in non-profit arts administration
  • Art handling experience

How to Apply

Please email with a subject line: Internship 2025. Include the following:

  • A resume
  • Two professional references including name, position, relationship to you, email, and telephone number
  • A letter of interest that discusses:
    • Why you are applying at this time in your schooling or career trajectory What you are hoping to gain from the experience
    • Specific work experience and/or skillsets you think may be relevant to the position
  • Where you heard about this internship opportunity

Salary and Additional Information

This is a part-time paid position with no additional benefits. With a two-day per week schedule, interns will have the opportunity to seek additional summer employment should they wish. The salary is $19/hour for a total commitment of approximately 200 hours (spread over 10 weeks, this will be 20 hours/week).

PAAM encourages students with additional funding from their colleges or external organizations to apply.

Since this internship works across multiple departments, you will be working alongside all our staff, but interns will directly report to Curator of Museum Education Milisa Moses, Curator of Community Education Grace Emmet, and Collections Manager & Registrar Madeleine Larson. Get to know us more here:

Provincetown is a remote location, and interns will need reliable transportation if they are commuting from another town on the Cape. PAAM cannot offer housing to interns at this time.

PAAM welcomes and encourages individuals of all backgrounds to apply, specifically those who have been historically underrepresented in careers related to museums and art education based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, economic status, ability, immigration status, spoken languages, and more.

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