
An in-progress painting created in one of PAAM’s Museum School Education Programs.

Since the 1920s the Provincetown Art Association and Museum has been a destination in art education.

Today, students of all ages continue to develop their studio art skills in PAAM’s Lillian Orlowsky and William Freed Museum School. Workshops, art classes, and education programs led by local teaching artists help build a strong foundation for the modern artist interested in the legacy of the Provincetown art colony.

Inspired by the vibrant culture and creative history of the region, PAAM’s education programs promote the arts as a vital part of everyday life. From our year-round Museum School workshops to our annual lecture series, our programs cultivate the practice and appreciation of all branches of the fine arts, promote education of the public in the arts, and provide meaningful and enriching artistic experiences to all.

The Programs


The Lillian Orlowsky and William Freed Museum School offers year-round visual art classes and workshops for students of all levels. Taught by renowned local and national teaching artists, our workshops offer instruction in a variety of mediums. 


PAAM’s offers multiple art-making programs and educational experiences for Cape Cod youth, for example Art on the Edge, Art Reach 101, Art Reach Studio, The Reaching Forward Mentor Program, and Summer Workshops. Taught and facilitated by local and visiting professional teaching artists, PAAM Youth Education provides high-quality holistic arts learning opportunities, which cultivate creativity, inspire curiosity, and empower the next generation of engaged, innovative young people.


Life Drawing is our open studio figure drawing sessions that occur twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30am-11:30am, year-round. These sessions do not have an instructor but are monitored by a volunteer student or by the Studio & Museum School Coordinator. Life Drawing is currently using a hybrid framework: all sessions will be in-person, held in our Drawing Studio at PAAM. In addition, two weeks out of the month will be available on Zoom, streaming live from PAAM. Our models hold long poses on Tuesdays and short poses on Fridays.


The Lillian Orlowsky and William Freed Grant is awarded annually to under-recognized American painters over the age of 45 who demonstrate financial need. The mission of this grant is to promote public education of and a commitment to American art, and to encourage interest in artists who lack adequate recognition.


The Fredi Schiff Levin Lecture Series welcomes artists, art historians, curators, and authors to speak at PAAM. Some lectures are in conjunction with exhibitions, others are given by independent scholars. The series was established in honor of artist Fredi Schiff Levin, an active member of Provincetown’s arts community from the 1960s until her passing in 2002.