The Reaching Forward Mentor Program

The Reaching Forward Mentor Program is a youth employment program for advanced students ages 15-22 interested in developing their skill as peer leaders, teachers, and professional artists.

Mentors participate in an array of training and, with support from professional teaching artists, serve as peer leaders working directly with youth. Training and professional development take place throughout the program. Mentors are employed up to 10 hours per week, working directly in PAAM’s Youth Education Programs throughout the school year and summer. Mentors are paid $16 dollars per hour.

The Details

Reaching Forward is a work-based learning youth employment program, in which Mentors have the opportunity to develop their skills as peer leaders, artists, and community-members. Advised and supported by PAAM Education staff and professional teaching artists, Mentors gain valuable insight into a career in the arts and education while receiving a fair and meaningful wage. Working independently and collaboratively throughout the program, Mentors attend Friday afternoon workshops, in which they focus on building their skills and capacities in mentorship, leadership, artistry and college and career readiness.

Mentors work alongside Teaching Artists directly supporting younger artists and engaging in the museum practice of curating and exhibiting their works of art. As a multidisciplinary program, Reaching Forward explores the connectivity of art to everyday life, providing engagement in art history, media, humanities, professional development and career opportunities.

2024-25 Program Overview


Ages 15-22 | Friday Trainings: 4-6pm AND Saturdays Art Reach: 10-2pm

Semester One:

Fridays, October 18th – December 20th, 2024 (9 weeks) 

 Saturdays, October 19th – December 21st, 2024 (9  weeks)

Semester Two:

Fridays:  January 17th – March 28th, 2025 (10 weeks) 

Saturdays:  January 18th – March 16th, 2025 (10 weeks)

Application Process


All individuals interested in working as a Reaching Forward Mentor must complete an initial application. This can be done online, by downloading the application form and emailing or mailing it, or by requesting a paper application.


Once your application is received, you will be contacted to further discuss your interest in the program and schedule an interview.


Once the interview is completed, we will determine your placement in the program; you will either receive an offer for employment or a position on our waitlist for a future date.


Reaching Forward runs over two semesters, however, you may apply for only one (although participation in both is highly encouraged). If you apply at the top of the program year and are accepted, you do not need to apply again for the second semester. Finally, attendance for Reaching Forward is very important, particularly as it is your employment. If you anticipate being unable to commit fully to the program, or are concerned about absences, please notate them in the appropriate space on the application form. Any questions? Contact Grace Emmet: or 508-487-1750 x122.

PAAM’s youth programs are supported in part by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency; the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod; the National Endowment for the Arts; Ted Jones and Peter Petas; the Aeroflex Foundation; the Anthony Family Fund; the Bilezikian Family Foundation; Stop & Shop Provincetown, in memory of John Michael Gray; and the Kelley Foundation.


  • Participant Information

  • Parent/Guardian Information

    Please fill out if under 18 years old.
  • Tell Us About Yourself (Please answer these questions using 3-4 complete sentences per question when possible)
